GQ and Stoli Vodka will be celebrating GQ 50th Anniversary event the Friday Oct. 20th at the now famous “Pop-Up” Stoli Hotel lounge. The Stoli hotel traveling entertainment space concept is to sneak into a city and turn a unexpected location, like a warehouse into a fabulous swanky location and offer up all the amenities you would expect at a lux hotel.
Each “lounge suite” is inspired by a Stoli flavor. A cool color palate and matching lighting really conveys the “feeling” that Stoli Blueberi evokes. Guests can travel from room to room, enjoying cocktails, visiting the spa, and mingling with VIP guests. So you can see why GQ would have their 50th Anniversary event at the Stoli Hotel Lounge. You want to go?
Neighborhood: Near West Side
240 N Ashland Ave
Chicago, IL 60686