Unfortunatly early this morning about 40 miles outside of San Diego the a tour bus carring the tour crew of Def Jux recording artist Mr.Lif and The Coup (epitaph records) ran off the road flipped and burst into flames. Reports are that there were varying degrees of injuries but, everyone is alive. There were a few major injuries involved, Zarah; who is Mr. Lifs asisstant and merch manager sustained a serious injury to her hand and underwent surgery. The bus driver sustained various injuries and needed surgery as well. Dj Big Wiz, And Silk-E(The Coup) are being Hospitalized do to injuries as well. The rest of the crew onboard the tour bus have been checked out and discharged. The bus was burnt to a crisp and they lost all merch, equipment, personal belongings, etc, But Everyone Survived.
As soon as I get hospital info I will give you guys an address if you want to send get well cards etc. all in all though everyone was very lucky and will all live to make some more dope music. what a day.”