Obama Hope Poster Designer Arrested For Graffiti – thestreetsonline.com

Obama Hope Poster Designer Arrested For Graffiti

Street Art poster boy, Shepard Fairey was nabbed by the “Jakes”  on Friday Feb. 7th.   You may not know of him but, you have seen his work. He is recently most known for creating the Obama “Hope”  poster.  Shepard who is a legend in the street art world,  known globally for his “Andre The Giant Has A Posse” wheat paste throw-up poster and stencil artwork. Well,  Mr. Shepard was arrested Friday night  In Bean-Town (Boston). Fairey was arrested on his way to the Institute of Contemporary Art for a kickoff event for his first solo exhibition, called “Supply and Demand.”

Fairey had spent the last two weeks in the Boston area installing the ICA exhibit and creating outdoor art Promoting the event.

Two warrants were issued for Shepard Fairey’s arrest on Jan. 24 after police determined he’d allegedly tagged property in two locations in Boston with graffiti based on his well recognized “Andre the Giant” street art campaign.

He Is out on bail for an undisclosed amount. Fairey, 38, of Los Angeles, is scheduled to be arraigned Monday in Brighton District Court, said Jake Wark, a spokesman for the Suffolk District Attorney.

His attorney, Jeffrey Wiesner, said in an e-mail. “Shepard Fairey was completely unaware that there were any warrants for his arrest. Had he known, he would have resolved all such issues before the opening of his art exhibit at the Institute of Contemporary Art in Boston.”

WOW! More Drama More Problems.