Hip-Hop Weekly On News Stands Now! – thestreetsonline.com

Hip-Hop Weekly On News Stands Now!

Is Hip Hop Weekly getting a bad Rap? Hip Hop Weekly is first in the weekly hip hop tabloid niche. It has a People, US magazine type look but. a little bit bigger size maybe the size of Vibe magzine. The colors look good, the layout is nice and clean and contains ads from leading advertisers like most mags.

The Publication itself is not the issue, it the people behind the publication; who seem to get more publicity than the Mag. First off everyone was bugging when outsted Source magazine founder Dave Mays and Ray Benzino announce they were going to start a new weekly hip hop magazine. Do to their past business dealings people couldn’t waite to see what was gonna happen with this new Magazine, there had to be some crazyness somewhere in the mix. Then followed the announcement that Wendy Williams and The Evil Star were on board as columnists; With That statement alone they asured us that there would be more drama at the Hip Hop Weekly editorial offices than in the pages of the magazine. So far the Mays and Benzino have not disappointed us. Weeks before the first mag hit the stands, Rumor has it that many key members of the staff have left the new operation, including the Editor-In-Chief, Mimi Valdés.

Now, Just days after the release of their new issue, weekly publication Hip
Hop Weekly and its founders, Dave Mays and Benzino, have been accused of “biting” quotes and information without properly crediting their sources. In a recent blog from Complex magazine, headed by fashion mogul Marc Ecko, Mays and Benzino’s magazine is called the “piss poor-cheapest paper to ever be printed on-rumor rag,” and is criticized for its content.

Info Via:Baller Satus