Silver and a Movement –

Silver and a Movement

For the silver anniversary (25 years) of the Air Force Ones, Nike has assembled the “New Six” team to represent the best selling Nike shoe. The “New Six” team includes the top NBA players currently signed to Nike Basketball including; Kobe Bryant, LeBron James, Rasheed Wallace, Vince Carter, Amare Stoudemire, and Tony Parker.

These pics were taken at the 25th Anniversary Party in NYC last weekend. Of the “New Six” line, there is are two types of Air Force Ones. First, the Supreme Air Force Ones are updated with an Air Max heel and finally the Premium Air Force Ones. I have to tell you, I was skeptical with the idea of updated such a classic shoe with an air max heel, but after seening them, I have to give it two huge thumbs up!

Stay tuned price’s and release dates to come soon.